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About Dain Schult

Recovering Raconteur and Professional Iconoclast

My Story

Dain has been in media including broadcasting, consulting, radio stations, business ownership and management for over fifty years.  A graduate of, and teacher at, Georgia State University, Atlanta, he is a radio industry veteran having started his broadcast career as a disc jockey in his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, in 1968, in high school, and then later worked in Tampa/St. Peter, Pittsburgh and Houston.  He is also a published author. 

After working as a disc jockey, Dain moved into general management and sales. He created Radioactivity, Inc., a broad­cast consultancy, Dain personally consulted over 150 radio stations in the US; was Chief Operating Officer for Sunbelt Radio Group, Inc., in Texas; founded and served as CEO for Texrock Radio, Inc., another Texas-based group of 71 stations; created and then operated as Chairman and CEO of American Communications Enterprises, Inc., a successful public company – OTCBB – “ACEN” (now GEO). Dain went on to form other media companies and currently serves as Chairman of Global Entertainment Technology, Inc., in Florida where he currently resides. 

Dain is the co-author of the radio-training manual, “The Radio Guide”Radioactivity, Publications, a complete history of the railroad his grandfather worked for – “Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis – A History of The Dixie Line” – TLC Publishing, as well as a CD-ROM version, “Grandpa’s Road.”  He also wrote a motivational/self-help book, “Roll Away The Stone” – Filbert Publishing. He has now written six different novels for publication.  

One is historic fiction about the early 1900’s and baseball and the other five are a series of mystery spiritual based. He’s also working on the third edition of “Grandpa’s Road” to include the restoration of a steam engine his grandfather used to run on that railway.  



Best Sellers – Well, We Hope They Will Be…

Mock Up Number One

This is a placeholder of sorts for Hinky and The Rube – we’ll get a professional artist on this at the appropriate time.

Mock Up Number Two

Another approach to the cover art for the book until the cavalry shows up in the form of a commercial artist.  And when anybody asks, what’s the book about, I normally say, “Forrest Gump meets Scarlett O’Hara and they go to see a baseball game together.”   You’ll just have to read it when it is released…

A Blast From The Past

I actually wrote this back in 1989 but it wasn’t until 2005 when it got published.  The railroad history book is what it did it.  It made me a “published author” and then suddenly this book, which had been rejected by over 30 publishers, suddenly was of marketable interest… go figure…

My Links

Here are the links that will take you to the various sites for more information on me personally but also for all the books as well as for Global Entertainment Technology (GET1 and 2) – kinda like Thing 1 and Thing 2…


“To be frank, I think his world had vanished long before he ever entered it. But I will say, he certainly sustained the illusion with a marvelous grace.”


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